Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Update: 2/1/17

What's happening!

We have been doing a tremendous amount of waiting, and that waiting is (thankfully!) nearly over.

We are so excited that we may need to acquire a fainting couch.

We have ordered a "short run" from the "Hopeful Factory" --- and it is on its way. So, hooray!  There is some delay because of the Chinese New Year. (Since the materials are all being sourced from Asia, this impacts us.) So, boo.

We found out for sure just a few minutes ago that it would not be here this week, so we decided to go ahead and send the update now.

The contract negotiations continue at the breakneck pace of the Flash... from Zootopia. Yeah, we really feel the main character's pain. The bright side is, our lawyers assure us that the contract we have drafted is indeed quite rigorous.

Lastly, we have definitely secured (in a precautionary measure, should both of these other options somehow fail) multiple raw material suppliers. (Of course, if we come across better deals than the ones we have secured, we are open to discussion! So don't be shy if you happen to be such a supplier.)

We are looking forward to our next update having significantly more pictures and videos and a possible use of a fainting couch.

We are extremely thankful for your patience.  We had no idea that this would take even half as long as it has when we started.  But our collective patience is about to pay off, and we can hardly express how thankful we are.  But we'll try anyway!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for backing us!

PS--For those wanting to update their addresses, don't forget, you can update your address any time on the website.  Just click on right right hand side, "Manage your shipping address."  And if we can help, let us know!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Good News Closing out 2016

So, while everyone got to enjoy their favorite seasonal beverages this past month, GNL was working hard. (We did take the 25th off, though!)
  • For the factory which has been struggling to make the "Master Samples," we are negotiating a tight contract, in the event that we move forward with them.
  • For the "hopeful factory," which has great promise, they have provided decent samples, and are currently working on a short run of production-quality items.  We will show pictures and videos of those as soon as they arrive. 
  • For the machine work (that is, making a machine so we can simply source the material ourselves and make the mats ourselves), we need to make sure that the two most hopeful factories are unable to make them.  Although the "safest" plan, it is also by far the most expensive. 

Which bring us to the good news...

You might be asking yourself, "What the heck was GNL doing during the days/weeks that practically all factories take time off?"  Well...we were showing our product and business model around.  And we got investors.
The best part is the nature of the investment.  It is kind of like the funding we got on Kickstarter---they don't own GNL, they just believe in us, and the stuff we make.  (Since some people are sure to ask, this wasn't "venture capital," nobody new has come on board, and we do not owe anyone any debt.)
This will make life significantly easier, not only for this project, but for our future projects.
They have asked to remain anonymous; they just want to see us succeed.

So what's next?

  • We will wait a month to see what our 'current' factory will do, as far as our contract negotiations. (And the "master samples!")
  • Meanwhile, we will also wait for the short production run from the "hopeful factory."
  • But while we are waiting on the factories, we will be actively securing material sourcing for us to make it ourselves, if it should come to that.
We hope everyone had a good New Year celebration, and we hope 2017 winds up being the best year you've ever had in gaming!
And as always, thanks for backing us!