Monday, October 19, 2015

Production has resumed!

We solved the supply chain problem!

We got the right magnets!

We're back on track for production!

We even have an estimated shipping date (at last!).  We think it will be in February.  We know it's a lot later than we originally expected, but we thought it was more important to get it *right* than to get it *fast*.

This video shows just how good those magnets are, especially with that powerful double-metal upgrade you guys unlocked in the Kickstarter:
Remember to send us your questions!

We will have other things to talk about in the weekly updates, but it'll be more interesting if you guys ask us your questions.

And thanks for all your patience in this.  It is definitely coming together, and we are excited for the future.

And thanks for supporting us!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Weekly Update: 15-10-06

Although we are still waiting on the magnets to arrive at the factory, we did get a still image camera, and you can see some pictures of the gray, green, and blue below.

These aren't the finished product, but they are pretty close.  In person, the blue tiles' lines are as visible as they are on the green tiles.  We really aren't sure why the camera doesn't pick them up.  We may wind up lightening them anyway.

Here's a video for those of you who hate reading!