Monday, October 19, 2015

Production has resumed!

We solved the supply chain problem!

We got the right magnets!

We're back on track for production!

We even have an estimated shipping date (at last!).  We think it will be in February.  We know it's a lot later than we originally expected, but we thought it was more important to get it *right* than to get it *fast*.

This video shows just how good those magnets are, especially with that powerful double-metal upgrade you guys unlocked in the Kickstarter:
Remember to send us your questions!

We will have other things to talk about in the weekly updates, but it'll be more interesting if you guys ask us your questions.

And thanks for all your patience in this.  It is definitely coming together, and we are excited for the future.

And thanks for supporting us!


  1. Later than hoped for, but definitely better to get it right than to rush out substandard product. Thanks for the update and keeping us in the loop! Can't wait to get these in hand!

  2. Just to be sure have the people who ordered extra through site been charged. Ive been keeping my acct ready and would like tp lnow since i didn't notice the.charge and want to know if we are all good?

  3. How do the Multi-Grid tiles look?

  4. I have moved since my initial order. How/where can I change my address for delivery. While I am certain the new tenents would love the game boards. I would be most sad to not get them.

  5. I, too, would like to know about post-move address changes. I'll likely be moving towards the end of November (buying a house... time lines can change...). I don't really care about delays. I've back enough Kickstarters to know that they *never* ship on time (rarely, anyway). But I do need to know how to get the stuff shipped to correct address.

  6. I have changed my address. How do I let you know so I can get my tiles?

  7. I've been trying to figure that out as well. I'm moving next weekend.

  8. So what is the new ETA on delivery now that we're already 2 months past the original?

    1. That information is in the update, early February.

  9. Jerry - can you also please send an update via KS when you do these? Even a small "go to the blog here is the link" message is helpful and shows the backers that you are staying in touch...

  10. If I were to try to purchase some of the mats from the site how much later than the backers would I expect to see them... roughly?

    Yes, I know, I should have gotten in on the initial funding round but at the time I had no actual need other than random gadget lust.
    NOW I'm cranking up to DM a group so I decided that I finally had to excuse to buy these.

  11. Aside from "busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest", is there any update on how you're going?

  12. It's been almost a month since the last update. Is it possible that we can get a new update before Thanksgiving?

    Thanks in advance!

  13. "We will have other things to talk about in the weekly updates"


  14. I must have missed all the weekly updates since October 19. Or was there nothing to update? Maybe you could just give us a weekly update that there is no update so we do not get worried that something happened to you . Thanks

  15. When a customer doesn't hear anything, they might be thinking anything about the status. dont assume we think its all good because a month ago you said it was. even an "all is good" is better than silence.
