Friday, April 1, 2016

More good news!

Here's the video for those who hate text:

Here's the text for those who hate video:

So, with the assistance of Aptus, we have engaged with literally hundreds of factories.  After lots of vetting and help from Aptus, we have narrowed it down to five factories that we are confident that could pull it off---it's now a matter of who could pull it off the *best*.

So this month, Jerry will be visiting facilities in person. At the end of that, and we should be able to pick a factory, and get started with production ASAP.  This means an estimated shipping date will be coming fairly soon!

As soon as we have the estimated shipping date, we will put out a Kickstarter update, to let everyone know where we stand. (And we should be able to show some production-level samples then, too.)

So, thanks for your patience, and thanks for backing us. 


  1. Video is set to private. Also, you should put up some kind of disclaimer that it's a coincidence that you posted this on April 1st or else people will be suspecting ;)

  2. Thanks for the update Jerry. Appreciate the engagement, and appreciate you diligence and sacrifice to ensure a superior product over getting it out the door.

  3. Hey Jerry, your hard work and sacrifices ARE appreciated by us backers (well most of us at least -- there might be some ingrates out there). Keep us updated when you have more news. If stuff is still "in progress" for a while without any significant updates, a quick post saying everything is still going well may help put some folks' minds at ease :)

  4. I went back and looked at the original delivery date, which was August of 2015? I invested in this product because I thought it looked really amazing. It would really be best to have monthly updates, even if the update is that there is no change.

  5. I have had my doubts about this project and have expressed such to the folks at GNL. However, I will gladly eat all my words if you deliver. Kudos to you all for sticking with it (backers and GNL staff alike). A. Weymouth
