Thursday, May 7, 2015

Post-Kickstarter Survey is READY!




  1. The link in the update and the survey is broken. gives a 404.

    1. We are on the phone with technical support about this; we are still trying to find the problem.

      It is really weird. We even tested the link in the previews before we sent them out. We really think this is a Kickstarter problem, and that they add bits of code to links in their surveys that cripple them.

      Are you having any trouble going to when you try it from the homepage of the site, or just go there directly?

      Alternately, when you follow the link via kickstarter, does it put in the exact same URL?

      Thanks for talking about it! We need to know this kind of stuff! :)

    2. I'm also seeing this 404 error, and I'm not seeing the link on the main page.

    3. This is the exact error: The requested URL /Articles.asp was not found on this server.

    4. Then that is DEFINITELY a Kickstarter booboo. That's verifying what I had thought this whole time. X/

      Hopefully this will be enough to convince them to let me re-send the survey.

  2. I remember when we unlocked the square multigrid there waa suppose tk be some sort if hex multigrid too, but i dont see one on the tile guide. Isthat still happening?

    1. Well, the hex multigrid was supposed to be triangles that went along with the hexes; each centerpoint of each hex being a vertex of triangles in every direction.

      And let me tell ya, it was hideous. It was so busy it wasn't useful. Until we can figure out a way to make it non-hideous, we don't want to even try to offer it. It looked that bad.

    2. did you think of just doubling up the hexes? Have a lighter grid using the center points of the hexes as the new corner set behind the main grid? I know that would add a lot of utility for me.

    3. Or even just adding a dot to the center of every hex.

  3. Howdy. Has the magnet/metal parts stretch goal been finalized as to what that is going to be? At the start of the kickstarter it looked like the hex mats would have the strongest magnet linkage but depending how the stretch goal for the square mats pans out it could be the square mats. Basically are they going to be pretty equal between hex and square or is one mat going to have a stronger magnet linkage over the other?

    Is the multigrid just going to be for the basic parchment mat color or is it available for all mat colors? If so what would it look like on the black mat?

    Is there a date that you would like to have all our order information by? I'm sure sooner is better but I ask because I am coordinating with a friend who also backed the kickstarter. Thank you.

    1. The plan is to have them be equal. If you get much stronger than what the hex mats are right now, it actually requires effort to pull them apart. When I get to go to the production facility, I'll be able to do some testing to make sure it's as even as possible.

      We'd like all the information as soon as we can. :D The sooner we know all the answers, the sooner we get to the production facility with an order, ya know?

  4. I am ordering to a different address (not my own) because of technicality, do i put my name or my friends name who is to receive packet for me?

    1. Put in your friend's name just in case --- I've had the post office be weird about it if the person accepting the package at the door has a different name from what is on the package.

  5. Hi all! I did my survey, copied and pasted from directions and added my own stuff, colors, sizes, etc. I think (?) I get an extra tile per "vote" and I have a vote, but I didn't include that in my total. You can give me another forest green, 1" hex grid hex shaped tile. Let me know if you need me to email you "officially". I fight many Red Tape Dragons myself. : ) What colors are the totes/rulers?

    1. Ack! If you didn't put all the tiles in the survey response, we will have to get back with you during the data cleanup phase.

      The totes will be one color, as will the ruler. Both are still in development though! :)

  6. Hello… Can’t wait to get and use my mats! Quick question though. I used SURVEY ANSWER Example #2, copied and pasted into the survey box. I only saw the first line like you said in the video but when I got my confirmation email it only showed …52 TOTAL TILES ///… How can I be sure it captured all my order information? I don’t want to hold the process up! Thanks… Bill

  7. Just checked your response. Looks like Kickstarter truncated it. X/

    It looks like you're not the only one, either.

    1. What do I need to do from my end?

    2. We're working on it. We will let everyone know in a KS update or something, since it's impacted so many people.

  8. So apparently I failed basic math, and incorrectly split my mats. The edit link in the e-mail from kickstarter sends me to a kickstarter 404 error. How do I go about correcting my order?

    1. A lot of people are having the "edit > 404" error right now. I'm talking to KS customer support and trying to convince them to let me do a re-send on the surveys, but...that is unlikely. We will sort it out, don't worry! :)

  9. Hi, earlier in the Kickstarter I seem to recall something being said about examples of the different mat colors. Are those examples available?

    1. Here is the path from the survey for the color choices...

  10. After reading the survey response formatting guide, I'm still not sure how I should request multigrid tiles.

    ## parchment color multigrid on square mat

    is my best guess. Will that work, or should I indicate this in some other way?

    1. "3 parchment color square multigrid on square mat" is the happiest the parser could be with it. :)

  11. Just making sure: War council table + 2 perfect tesselations gives me 123 or 125 mats?

    1. 123

      The perfect tessellations were for voting potency for voting stuffs, which is over (it was for determining the order of stretch goal reward unlocks, but then everyone just unlocked them all anyway!).

  12. I emailed you this before realizing that you asked us to put questions here. Sorry. I'm ordering a single mat extra on the site (because 32 is so much a nicer number than 31). It's asking me for my shipping preference. Since I plan to have it shipped with my 31 kickstarter pledge mats, which shipping option should I choose? Also, is the shipping price listed the non-discount price? It is my hope that adding 1 mat to my pledge isn't going to cost me much in shipping.

    1. Adding 1 mat should be negligible. (As in probably no extra shipping.) Fear not. :D

  13. (I think a grue ate my other comment... I blame the dark background for attracting them...) I also forgot my bonus tiles, and due to friends who went in with me on the War Council, I also need to change my color distribution... I am very sorry about this, but can I please be included in the "data clean up/Silly Monkeys who forgot stuff/Internet Bugs/random things that went wrong" phase as well? I really appreciate it, thanks!

    1. Hopefully this new survey works better.

      And +1 awesomeness points for the grue reference. :D
